"'I had to sit on the runway for 40 minutes.' Oh my god, really? What happened then, did you fly through the air like a bird, incredibly? Did you soar into the clouds, impossibly? Did you partake in the miracle of human flight and then land softly on giant tires that you couldn't even conceive how they put air in them?... You're sitting in a chair in the sky. You're like a Greek myth right now."
Louis C.K.
We did not have to sit on the runway for 40 minutes during any part of this trip, thank goodness!
I have always loved flying, seeing as I grew up going on leisure flights with my father and the many trips back and forth between Arizona and Panama. I love the sensation you get as you take off, you catch air and the airplane shakes and rattles (I know. It's weird. I kind of like turbulence...), you open the window shade and you are soaring through the sky, counting each cotton candy cloud you pass by. What could be better? Mmmm knowing you'll be landing in a different country, starting a new adventure, that makes the journey of a 8 hour flight slightly more exciting.
As we arrived in the Frankfurt, Germany airport, we were ready to hit the ground running. We found our way out of the airport, and with some help, made our way into the city by the S-Bahn (their metro system.)
Frankfurt was beautiful! Before entering the city, we were surrounded by luscious green everything. We also passed by these shack like homes that reminded me of Panama, except they were a little more spread out and definitely much more well kept. And they had the cutest little gardens! Unfortunately, I did not get any pictures of those because 1) pictures suck on moving transportation and 2) I was honestly in awe of just about everything that taking pictures would have been a disaster considering I would just want pictures of EVERYTHING.
Well, because it was only a couple hours for the layover, we didn't have time to do much more than just walk around the city. But, don't get me wrong. Those are sometimes the BEST adventures! Plus, it was nice to get out of the airport and catch some fresh air.
Romerberg Plaza
The main square of Old Town Frankfurt, Germany.
There was this cute little older couple that took pictures of our group. They were so sweet! He needed some help with the phone but eventually got it turned around and figured out. He then asked us where we were from, and we told him Utah. He told us about his niece who was living in Utah because she's a mormon, and that is where mormons live.
Yes. Yes, they do live there.
Old Nikolai Church (Lutheran Church)
I LOVE visiting the churches throughout Europe. The architecture and art is so beautiful! I could sit inside, pondering and thinking for hours.
City Hall
There were a couple weddings being performed that day. It was fun to see the bride and groom taking pictures with their friends and families outside. A happy place. :)
The Dreikonigskirche (Catholic Church)

Eisener Steg ("Iron Bridge")

I also LOVE bridges!
It was covered in love/friendship/loner locks along the entire thing. Super cute and cool!
Although we did not have a lock to leave our mark, and most of the girls didn't hear my suggestion of peeing on the bridge anyway, we did have a sharpie. :)
After venturing out in the city for a couple of hours, we had to return to the airport. Which was a bummer, but that just means we were getting closer and closer to arriving in Vilnius.
The flight to Vilnius was nice and short. We sat by a native woman who told us about the places we would have to visit and the foods we would have to try while we are here. She was very kind and made us feel welcome as we entered the country.
We landed at about midnight and picked up our luggage. (We are so thankful that it arrived! We were pretty worried about it since we never had to go through customs or declare anything during our stop in Germany.) Then we had to wait about an hour for Dima (our native coordinator) to drop off the Vilnius group at their apartment. After that it was about hour and a half drive to Kaunas. For the first half of the drive we were in that slap happy stage of exhaustion so it was actually pretty fun, but as soon as we quieted down, we all passed out (as much as I tried to fight it! It was quite impossible.)
Upon arrival, we had to walk up 7 FLIGHTS OF STAIRS to our apartment. I never realized how much 7 flights of stairs really was and after two semesters of living on the 2nd floor at heritage, I've been spoiled. It was rough. But the more I think about it, the more I'm okay with it. At least I'll be getting my daily work out in and I can eat all the yummy chocolate and european treats I find here. ;)
Well y'all, that was the journey from America to Europe. I'll try to keep posting at least weekly, if not more. I love you all and hope to hear all about your summers as well! :)